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Glutz «eAccess»/Access Software End User Licence Agreement

1. Scope

This is a licence agreement between you (either an individual or legal entity) as the end user and Glutz AG. By downloading, installing or using Glutz «eAccess» / Access software, you are automatically bound by the conditions of this agreement and accept the General Terms & Conditions of Glutz AG.


2. Usage right

The Glutz «eAccess» / Access software is provided to you solely for the intended purpose and operation of Glutz «eAccess» / Access components. Any other usage is prohibited, especially the distribution, licensing, modification, use in third-party software or analysis of the Glutz «eAccess» / Access software and parts thereof. Glutz AG retains all rights to the Glutz «eAccess» / Access software, including copyrights.

These conditions do not apply to the libraries supplied, which are available under an open source licence. The relevant copyright and licence terms are included.


3. Special conditions relating to open source licences

Certain components of this product contain free software programs covered by open source licences that enable you to freely copy, modify and distribute the software. For these free programs, the respective open source licences under which they are made available apply exclusively and take precedence; the conditions for Glutz «eAccess» / Access software are not applicable. These free software programs also include Linux Kernel, which is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (‘GPL-2.0’).

Licence texts:
The licences (copyright notices) used for the contained free software programs are listed in the ‘Acknowledgements’ files included in the installation packages or download files; the relevant licence texts are thus supplied.

«eAccess» software and devices contain software elements that have been developed under GPLv2 and other open source licences. As per GPLv2 guidelines, the following disclaimer applies:

This open source program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public Licence for more details.

Source texts:
For a period of at least three (3) years from the date of distribution of the product or software concerned, we will give anyone who contacts us at a complete, machine-readable copy of the entire source code for the version of the program we distributed to you subject to a relevant open-source licence, if we own this program, for a charge of no more than our cost of physically performing the source code distribution.

Licence fees:
If licence fees are charged for products, these relate solely to the program code developed by Glutz AG and in no way to the relevant open source elements.


4. General Terms & Conditions (GTC)

Glutz AG’s general terms of business and delivery also apply. These can be viewed online at or requested by writing to the following address:

Glutz AG
Segetzstr. 13
4502 Solothurn

+41 32 625 65 20
+41 32 625 65 35


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